England and Colombia in the XVII century
1) a. ¿what country do you think has more natural sources Colombia or England?
I think that Colombia has more natural resources, because we are in the tropical area. And because of that I think Colombia has mare natural resources.
b.¿why do you think that that the science and technology have a great development in England and not in Colombia? I think that England has more technology because Colombia all the year concentrates on the agriculture and England has seasons and all the year don’t concentrate on the agriculture and in the free time they advance in technology.
b.¿why do you think that that the science and technology have a great development in England and not in Colombia? I think that England has more technology because Colombia all the year concentrates on the agriculture and England has seasons and all the year don’t concentrate on the agriculture and in the free time they advance in technology.
2) Make an essay in which you tell what we have to do in Colombia to develop the science and technology.
I think that in Colombia we have to concentrate more in the technology than in the nature. Now we are many people. I think that some people can concentrate in the nature all the year and other in the technology all the year. I think that it is a good solution for increasing the technology and science in Colombia.
by: andrea restrepo
Very nice job, I like your analysis, the essay could be alittlo more extensive.